Thursday, October 29, 2009


My life and house have been taken over by halloween costumes. Somehow this whole last min thing always happens. Darcy's costume had to be finished by today for a work costume party, so I'm starting my costume now. One Dracula inspired vampire down, one raven/crow to go.
There will be pictures when I can stop and take time to stop cutting and sewing.

Do you have any idea how much fabric is involved in a lined cape? I didn't really think that one through. It's pretty epic.

Tonight we get pumpkins (yes, we're procrastinators) and carve them. I'll take pictures of that too. Should be hilarious.

I am wildly excited about giving candy to trick or treaters, I plan on having two bowls- one of good candy for the kids who try, and one of less awesome for the ones who didn't, or the ones who don't have spirit. No "trick or treat!" no candy.


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